Have you tried to lose weight on your own with little to no success? Then we have something that will work for you – HCG for weight loss. Want to know how HCG works for weight loss? Continue reading to learn more.
Are you stuck at a plateau with your weight and not sure where to go from here? Are you not getting the results you want because you are constantly hungry and giving into sugar cravings? Are you hitting the gym, strength training, and adding little to no muscle and/or strength? There is a natural hormone that you can use to help you lose body fat at a faster pace, all while controlling your hunger, sugar cravings, and adding lean muscle mass.
This naturally occurring hormone is called HCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, and when used properly, it can yield amazing weight loss results along with an overall improvement in body composition.
What is HCG for Weight Loss
So, what is HCG? HCG is a naturally occurring hormone that is present in very small amounts in both males and females at all times. Levels of HCG increase when a woman becomes pregnant, providing the baby with nutrition via the breakdown of the mother’s already stored fat, which allows the baby to be given plenty of nutrients even if the mother is not receiving sufficient nutrition.
So, when we use this hormone in individuals that are not pregnant, we trick our body into using its own stored fat for energy. By doing so, you are giving your metabolism a reboot and allowing your body to continually be in a fat burning state.
How HCG Works for Weight Loss
Essentially, we all know what weight loss entails – being in a caloric deficit. HCG used alone is not going to result in weight loss unless you are changing your diet along with it. Just like anything else, you cannot expect to keep doing the same thing and get a different result.
The HCG diet takes motivation and commitment from you in order to yield the best results. Therefore, HCG is used as a tool, in conjunction with a proper nutrition plan, detoxification phase, essential nutrients and vitamins as well as a moderate exercise regimen.
By following the proper protocol, you will restart your metabolism and your body will begin to transform, as you lose body fat as well as inches!
Typically, individuals completing this diet will see inches lost in the areas where they store most of their fat before seeing lost pounds. This is due to HCGs ability to target the areas of excess fat, which will help to reshape the body.
Patients that complete this diet will likely see fat loss in areas such as:
- Abdomen
- Waist
- Chin
- Midsection
- Inner thigh
- Buttocks
- And any areas where fat is stored
This “storage system” is used for fuel while following the HCG nutrition plan, allowing your body to be able to pull 800-1,000 calorie or more a day from these stubborn places!
Patients lose weight relatively quickly while on the HCG diet, far more quickly then what is normally attainable. A patient can see about a half a pound to a pound of fat lost per day. But keep in mind – this is not meant to be a quick fix, nor should it be used as one.
Healthy weight should be looked at as a lifestyle change. By taking this approach you are more likely to lose the weight and keep it off.
At ageRejuvenation, we do our part in helping you lose weight and maintain your weight loss–as we would never want your hard work and commitment to a healthier you go to waste! We give you the skills and improved lifestyle habits to maintain and even continue losing weight after your HCG phase has ended.
HCG Benefits
There are still some controversies around the HCG diet, but with proper administration and monitoring by a board-certified physician, this diet has been proven to be effective for fat loss as well as muscle gain.
Muscle Gain with HCG
The HCG hormone itself helps to restart the metabolism and alter your body’s set weight point. By boosting your hormone levels, such as testosterone, you will notice greater muscle gain while on HCG. Your body will be in a muscle-building (anabolic) state versus a muscle breakdown (catabolic) state. This means that your hard work in the gym will be intensified!
Learn more about optimizing your HCG Diet weight loss with ageRejuvenation.
Curbing Your Appetite with the HCG Diet
In addition, the HCG injections will aid in curbing your appetite, making it easier to stick to the program as your body will be accessing a large amount of stored fat as well as what is consumed externally. Once paired with proper nutrition and caloric restriction, it is impossible not to lose weight when the diet is followed correctly!
At ageRejuvenation, we have a skilled team of medical professionals to monitor your progress and ensure that you are losing body fat and gaining muscle mass in a healthy manner.
How HCG is Administered
HCG can be administered as an injection, using a small insulin needle, or as an HCG nasal spray taken twice a day. Both are distributed by ageRejuvenation, and we require that you meet with a practitioner prior to getting your supply of HCG which is a prescription medication.
You can choose which way you would like to take the medication, as either way is successful for weight loss, though some show the weight loss is more significant via injection. Progress is monitored regularly, using weekly weigh-ins with our InBody machines to assess body fat versus body muscle and provide accountability. Patients meet with nutrition in office, or communicate via phone or email, on a regular basis to ensure success.
In addition, patients are given a weekly vitamin injection that will aid in boosting their metabolism and energy.
HCG for Weight Loss at ageRejuvenation
At ageRejuvenation, we begin with a comprehensive blood work panel, EKG, vitals, and physical to assess each patient’s health. Most often, we also perform a comprehensive hormone analysis to determine any imbalances or deficiencies. This is beyond the blood work performed by a traditional doctor as our practitioners are looking to optimize health and metabolism, not just ensure that levels are in range.
By addressing what can impact weight gain, we are able to help patients lose weight and keep it off. Women are able to lose 15-25 lbs in 6 weeks, while men can lose 25-40 lbs in a 6-week period.
Now that you know how HCG works for weight loss, are you ready to take it to the next level? HCG can do just that. At ageRejuvenation, we give you all of the tools you need to be successful. We are excited to help you and know that, with our expertise and guidance, you will be able to attain the body of your dreams!
Think, if you could get rid of that stubborn belly fat, how much more confident you would feel! Your dream body is out there, you just need the motivation and the right tools to go for it. Lucky for you, we have the tools and expertise.
As long as you are motivated to make a change, we are here waiting to assist you in making the change! Let the HCG diet help you achieve and maintain the natural body that you have been searching for.
If have questions, feel free to call us today at (888) 865-8370. We can help with your weight loss goals.