Calculating Your BMR

Every patient will receive an in-depth print out of their results. This testing is used to determine a patient’s Basal Metabolic Rate as well as other important numbers such as percent body fat, body muscle, and even visceral fat which is the fat around your organs. Correctly understanding both your BMI and overall body composition allows you to better understand your health. The InBody even gives suggestions on which areas of your composition need to improve by gaining more muscle or losing fat. Whether you are just interested, an athlete, or someone who is looking to improve their health, understanding your BMR as well as your body composition is the first step.


We offer a no-cost consultation to come in and meet with our Patient Intake Advisor, who will help you to outline your goals. With multiple locations to serve you throughout Tampa Bay.

Your BMR, or Basal Metabolic Rate, is a number used to assess metabolism. Your metabolism is the conversion of the items we eat and drink throughout the day that are then turned into energy in the body. Someone who has a fast metabolism is thought of as someone who can eat a lot and not gain weight. While someone with a slow metabolism is the opposite – a person who gains weight even if they are not eating a lot. Understanding your Basal Metabolic Rate will help you to understand where you are between these two as well as how to eat to maintain a healthy weight.

The Basal Metabolic Rate is the rate at which your body uses calories at rest, essentially, this is the base number of calories your body burns daily to sustain life. The numbers used to calculate your BMR is based off your body height and weight. This helps you understand how to either lose weight, maintain weight, or gain weight. For example, someone who is looking to lose weight should be eating in a deficiency to this number. A person who’s BMR is 1700 and is looking to lose ½ a lb. a week should be eating 250 calories less than their BMR a day. This means if this person eats 1,450 calories a day. Without exercising, they will be able to lose on average 2 lbs. a month. This is why exercise is often incorporated in weight loss, to burn more calories as well as to build muscle mass.

Understanding how your BMR impacts your health and body composition is integral to proper weight management. Persons with higher muscle mass will have a higher BMR as 1 lb. of muscle needs much more energy to maintain than 1 lb. of fat. By losing fat, which burns very few calories at rest, and gaining muscle you are able to increase your BMR. A higher BMR means you are able to consumer a greater number of calories without impacting your body composition. By having a good understanding of this calculation. You are better able to customize your nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle to benefit your health and achieve your goals.

At ageRejuvenation, we use an InBody 570 to perform a comprehensive analysis of weight and body composition. This state-of-the-art technology uses a Biometric Impedance Analysis to measure your actual body composition. Much easier than some of the other methods involving pinching or dunking. Which is the analysis of external body fat using calipers or Hydrostatic Underwater Weighing which involves being fully nude and dunked in a tank 3 times to assess your body composition. For this method of determining body composition you are asked to stand on a scale, removing only your socks and shoes. To allow the current to measure the amount of fat, muscle, bone, and water from head to foot.