How to Determine if you need Medical Assisted Weight Loss

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Are a Candidate for Medical Assisted Weight Loss?

As knowledgeable health and wellness practitioners, we are aware of the difficulties that come with managing one’s body weight. Regardless of whether you are aiming to shed or gain weight, it is vital to tackle the process with prudence and awareness. 

At AgeRejuvenation we apply various methods to help you achieve your desired weight, including diet changes, monitored programs, and medical supplements. A professionally managed, medically assisted weight loss program can be a potent method for individuals striving to achieve permanent modifications in their wellbeing and habits. With the correct direction, one can attain long-term changes that can improve your health and quality of life.     

But how do you know if you are a candidate for a medical weight loss program? Common problems faced by those needing professional assistance include difficulty making healthy food choices, lack of motivation to exercise, and feeling overwhelmed with the process of weight loss.

Body mass index (BMI) plays a role in determining if you’re at a healthy weight range for your height, as does the presence of health issues such as type 2 diabetes. 

While not a perfect measuring tool, BMI does serve as an indicator of whether someone is overweight or obese, with a score over 25 indicating the former and 30+ signaling the latter. Those with BMI readings of 40 or more are considered severely obese. By assessing a patient’s BMI, blood pressure levels, triglyceride readings, HDL cholesterol scores, glucose tolerance results and sleep apnea diagnosis via polysomnography testing; medical weight loss programs can be recommended to those who qualify. 

We also look at your personal history. Have you been unable to lose weight using over the course of your life? Have different diets failed to produce the desired results? Does your excess weight have a negative impact on other aspects of your life?

If left unchecked, obesity can cause a host of health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer and osteoarthritis. For those at risk of developing complications due to excess weight gain or those who have already been diagnosed with an associated condition like type 2 diabetes or osteoarthritis, medical weight loss may be the answer they need to achieve their desired body composition goals.

These and other factors are taken under advisement when counseling a new patient about medical weight loss. 

Understanding Medical Weight Loss

Personalized plans that integrate healthy eating, exercise, and lifestyle modifications are often employed in medical weight loss programs to help individuals manage obesity-related issues and achieve long-term results. These programs commonly incorporate dietary adjustments, exercise regimens and other modifications to support individuals in their weight-loss objectives over the long haul.

A balanced diet is a key element of any successful weight-loss plan, with the focus being on consuming whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, nuts and seeds for optimal nutrition while limiting processed or sugary items to reduce caloric intake. Eating whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, nuts and seeds can provide essential nutrients while helping reduce caloric intake. Additionally, limiting processed or sugary foods will further reduce calorie consumption while providing more nutritional value overall.

Regular physical activity is also key for successful weight management. Exercise helps burn calories while improving cardiovascular health and muscle strength which can help boost metabolism over time. Exercising can come in many forms, from going for a stroll or running outdoors; cycling; aquatics; yoga and Pilates sessions to even just grooving at home.

Creating sustainable habits is key to achieving long-term success with maintaining a healthy body weight, and this requires making lifestyle modifications depending on individual needs and goals. To that end, it’s important to practice stress reduction through relaxation techniques such as meditation or mindfulness practices; get sufficient sleep (7-9 hours); abstain from smoking if applicable; limit alcoholic beverages to one drink per day for women/two drinks per day for men; track food intake and set achievable targets that motivate you towards progress instead of perfection. All these steps taken together will lead the way to lasting victory in managing obesity related issues.

Medication to Assist in Weight Loss

Some individuals in our medical weight loss program may benefit from FDA-approved weight loss medications such as Ozempic, Wegovy, or Mounjaro (tirzepatide). Each of these injectable medications require doctor supervision and may not work for everyone. However, as part of a medical weight loss program, they can help some individuals lose weight when combined with proper dieting and exercise habits.

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) is an injectable medication used along with dieting and exercising whereas Wegovy works by blocking fat absorption from food consumed while Ozempic reduces blood sugar levels by decreasing insulin resistance in the body when taken regularly as prescribed by your doctor.

All three have been seen to be helpful in aiding individuals shed pounds. However, Mounjaro has been shown to be more effective than Wegovy or Ozempic (both semaglutides) when it comes to long-term weight loss. Studies have demonstrated that tirzepatide has a higher probability of sustaining an acceptable body mass index (BMI) in the long-term when compared to Wegovy and Ozempic.

Medical weight loss can provide advantages such as enhanced metabolic health, higher energy levels and a decreased danger of persistent illness. However, it’s important to remember that medical weight loss requires commitment to be successful. Therefore, it is important that you work closely with an experienced professional like those here at AgeRejuvenation to achieve optimum results. 

Before making any decisions about which type of treatment is right for you, it is important to discuss your individual needs and preferences. Your first step is a consultation with one of our weight loss professionals at AgeRejuvenation to discuss your personal journey and determine the best course of action to take for you. Call Us today at 888-681-6521 or schedule your Free Consultation.  

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